== censored ==
I wanna be a minimalist.

J.S.ミルの文章を少しだけ訳してみる 02



Much more might be said respecting classical instruction, and literary cultivation in general, as a part of liberal education. But it is time to speak of the uses of scientific instruction: or rather its indispensable necessity, for it is recommended by every consideration which pleads for any high order of intellectual education at all.

The most obvious part of the value of scientific instruction, the mere information that it gives, speaks for itself. We are born into a world which we have not made; a world whose phenomena take place according to fixed laws, of which we do not bring any knowledge into the world with us. In such a world—we are appointed to live, and in it all our work is to be done. Our whole working power depends on knowing the laws of the world in other words, the properties of the things which we have to work with, and to work among, and to work upon. We may and do rely, for the greater part of this knowledge, on the few who in each department make its acquisition their main business in life. But unless an elementary knowledge of scientific truths is diffused among the public, they never know what is certain and what is not, or who are entitled to speak with authority and who are not: and they either have no faith at all in the testimony of science, or are the ready dupes of charlatans and impostors. They alternate between ignorant distrust, and blind, often misplaced, confidence. Besides, who is then who would not wish to understand the meaning of the common physical facts that take place under his eye? Who would not wish to know why a pump raises water, why a lever moves heavy weights, why it is hot at the tropics and cold at the poles, why the moon is sometimes dark and sometimes bright, what is the cause of the tides? Do we not feel that he who is totally ignorant of these things, let him be ever so skilled in a special profession, is not an educated man but an ignoramus? It is surely no small part of education to put us in intelligent possession of the most important and most universally interesting facts of the universe, so that the world which surrounds us may not be a sealed book to us, uninteresting because unintelligible. This, however, is but the simplest and most obvious part of the utility of science, and the part which, if neglected in youth, may be the most easily made up for afterwards. It is more important to understand the value of scientific instruction as a training and disciplining process, to fit the intellect for the proper work of a human being. Facts are the materials of our knowledge, but the mind itself is the instrument: and it is easier to acquire facts, than to judge what they prove, and how, through the facts which we know, to get to those which we want to know.


この文章は従属接続詞forの前後で分かれているので、まずは前半のBut it is time to speak of the uses of scientific instruction: or rather its indispensable necessityから取り組む。のっけからButで始まっているが、前の文章がmightなんてよわよわな主張をしていたわけで、そのあとに本来の主張を打ち出そうとしていることは容易に想像できる。どうやらこういうのはディスコースマーカーというらしく、受かる英語というそのものズバリなサイトによると譲歩のディスコースマーカーとして書かれている。個人的に譲歩構文って書き方は好きじゃない。ともかく、it is time to speak of なんちゃらなので、なんちゃらについて話す時間がやってきたわけだ。the uses of scientific instructionは「科学教育の使用」だと座りが悪いので、ここでは「有用性」とか「効果」とかの訳をあてがったほうがよさそう。

その後ろにコロンが続く。orはthe uses of scientific instructionとits indispensable necessityの名詞どうしを結んでいる。its indispensable necessityは「それの欠くことのできない必要性」であり、言うまでもなくitsが指しているものはscientific instructionであろう。

forは従属接続詞であり理由を表す。「というのは、」みたいな感じで訳せよと教えられた記憶がある。it is recommended by every consideration、つまりあらゆる考えから推奨されているとなる。なんかふんわりしているが今はこの程度にして、関係代名詞which以降を見る。 which pleads for any high order of intellectual education at allの部分、pleadは後ろに目的語を伴っていないため自動詞であり、plead forの形で「~を懇願する」という意味を持つ。しかしここはそんな辞書の固い訳ではなく、「~を求める」とか「~を願う」位にとらえたほうがいい。何を求めているのか、any high order of intellectual education at allを求めている。肯定文のanyであることに注意すると、any high order of intellectual educationは「何でもいいから高いレベルの知的教育」くらいでよさそう。at allはなんか強めているんだろうと思いウィズダム英和辞典を見てみると、肯定文では「ともかく」という訳で掲載されていた。強まっているのでこれを採用してみる。



